Application for admission to the Seminary and letter of recommendation
On 27 August 1927, Daniel JOËSSEL, who is 19 years old, writes a letter to the French Seminary in Rome to request admission. He is still undecided about his future. Almost at the same time, the Seminary receives a letter of recommendation from Father de VAUPLANE, a Jesuit, director of the Notre Dame School where Daniel JOËSSEL had studied.
(The letters and the photo come from the French Pontifical Seminary)

This Saturday 27 August
My Reverend Father,
My cousin, Father Paul NAU, has kindly informed you of my desire to enter the French Seminary in the autumn.
I would be very grateful if you would give me your instructions on this subject and, thanking you in advance, I beg you, Reverend Father, to accept the expression of my deepest respect.
As for my educational situation, it is very simple: I have a Bachelor of Letters and Sciences.
I did my studies at the Collège Notre-Dame, Rue de Madrid. My superior was the Reverend Father de VAUPLANE, 5 Rue de Madrid in Paris.
My cousin must have told you more about my desire not to be registered, for the moment, in
any diocese.
My address is :
Villa Kerglaw
Le Pouliguen
In Paris : 90 Bd Malesherbes (VIIIè)
The letter of recommendation from Father de VAUPLANE is brief. It gives the "best information" about this young man who "will make a remarkable priest".

Boarding school
Rue de Madrid, 5
Tel : LABORDE : 03-49 1st September 1927
This is the best information I can give you on young JOËSSEL. Intelligence, distinction, and especially piety and devotion, this young man will make a remarkable priest. I am happy that he is entrusting himself to your direction, for he will benefit greatly from your hands.
Please accept, Father, the expression of my deepest and most religious respect in XO.