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"I offer this sacrifice especially so that there will be priests who will take my place and who will also try to bring souls to the true Kingdom of Charity."

"Oh, my goodness! how difficult it is to become a saint!"

"He was a priest first and foremost and that explains his enormous influence."                     (Letter to his sister of 18 April 1940 about Cardinal VERDIER)

"For it is not in vain that Jesus told us to become like children."

"Imitate Jesus, as the saints did."

"Follow the Good Shepherd - he is kind."

"We are deceived when we suppress the austere nature of the Gospel, under the pretence of making it more accessible to the world."

" Jesus alone, since he is everything and loves me. "

" Jesus alone, Jesus always and Jesus ultimate joy, the only joy."

" Have a smile, even when it's difficult. "

"If you want to rebuild France, you have to reinstate Our Lord Jesus-Christ in each of you."

"When we are fully changed in Jesus, it is then that we will love each other infinitely as He loves us, but it will be in heaven."

"The Last Supper, he gives himself, the immolation begins."

"The Good Shepherd gives his life."

"Thank you very much for your prayers! We do need them to remain fully priests."

"Reflect Jesus in peace and joy."

"Good Shepherd, you know me, make me know you."

"Let not the sins of the wicked rub off on our joy"

"Being a child, like Therese."

"I am addressing you as the eldest of the family, to tell you that I have loved you all very much, that I will remain in heaven the bond of the whole family through my priesthood."
(Letter to his sister of 30 may 1940)

"Your humility must be sought above all in a greater knowledge of the humility of Christ Our Lord."

"Your action on others can only be effective if you walk in the way of God, that is, increasingly possessing the Holy Spirit."

"There is nothing missing with Jesus, O joy!"

"To love till the end, to give one's life, we say it, do we do it?"

"Complete sacrifice of the heart - attachment to Him alone, but complete, giving everything with joy."

"Humility, above all - a burning, passionate, intense desire to be totally united with Jesus."

"In my day, I have to work heart-to-heart with Jesus."

" Motto: «Everything for your pleasure»."

"What I like most is the distance from noisy civilisation, the cessation of this hectic and turbulent life that so often surrounds us. In doing so, our soul is brought to peace and gains in depth."

"Christ : He must be my friend."

"The more the world is in uproar, the more we need to stay in touch with the One who holds everything in his hands."

"His infinite mercy, which leads to boundless trust."

"It's not what you do that produces the fruits of your apostolate, but what you are."


"Wondering what delicacies we might have for Our Lord, who gave everything for us."

"In you, I love the Christ who made you; but allow me to hate with you what remains of yourself."

"The sacrifice of the Cross: how I must look at Jesus, love him and give myself along with him."

"Joy of the apostles, they find the one they had lost."

"Our nobleness is to be able to be members of Christ everywhere."

"Let us be filled with Him more and more so that we can spread Him to souls."

"It's the souls that should be reached."

"It wouldn't be very posh to doubt you, O my Jesus."

"I will not leave you orphans, ... what greater joy could there be ?"

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