From 1941, under the direction of Canon LIEUTIER, diocesan director of the Ecclesiastical Vocations Work since 1926, Bloud & Gay published a collection entitled :
« Belles vies sacerdotales » (Beautiful priestly lives)
The back cover states its purpose:
« This collection will present figures of priests from our region. Not exceptional figures, nor extraordinary vocations, but priests such as we meet in the life of our parishes and our parish works and whose nobility, influence and greatness we do not always suspect. »
The first two titles are:
- Un vicaire de banlieue: L'abbéDaniel JOËSSEL
- Un professeur de séminaire: L'abbé Charles ANDRÉ
These first two titles - there were eleven in all - were soon sold out.
Another priest, contemporary of Daniel JOËSSEL, vicar also in Asnières at Saint Joseph-des- Quatre-Routes, will give his life on the front, at the same time: Jean GLATZ.
This biography of Father JOËSSEL, written in the days following the announcement of his death and written within a year, is an irreplaceable document. The author, a contemporary of Father JOËSSEL, was able to meet and interview many witnesses to his life and ministry. It is full of living testimonies, still fresh, of all those, priests and laity, who knew him closely or very closely, for a long time or during the last months of his life, during the war.