On 28 May 1940, wounded and feeling the end coming, Daniel JOËSSEL dictates three letters to Father MASSART who assists him. He is still perfectly lucid and delivers the bottom of his heart. A spontaneous testament in which the priesthood, young people and his family are mentioned.
Letter dictated on 28 May 1940 by Father Daniel JOËSSEL to Father MASSART for Canon MULLER, parish priest of Saint Geneviève.
I thank you for having helped me from the beginning of my priesthood to direct it towards Christ. Thank you for all that you have been for me as a Father and as a Priest.
I die in the filial joy of having remained a child before God. And do not forget me with any of the gentlemen of the parish. Thank them for having been an example to me.
Forgive me for my infidelities and all my shortcomings.
Your son
Letter dictated on 28 May 1940 by Father Daniel JOËSSEL to Father MASSART for Father FOUQUES-DUPARC, vicar in Asnières.
I thank him wholeheartedly for all he has done for me.
I ask him to make the children understand that my life was for them, and to make sure that, when the memories are distributed, none are forgotten.
In the visit to my room, let him simply remove the contents and container of the second drawer of my desk.
In the disposition of my fortune, let him remind my family that one hundred and forty masses must be given to the Missions, and three hundred for those I would have said badly (for the venial sins I might have committed in saying those Masses).
I bless all the parish works
And I embrace it.
Letter dictated on 28 May 1940 by Father Daniel JOËSSEL to Father MASSART for his sister Andrée TOUVET.
My dear little Dédée,
I am addressing you as the eldest of the family, to tell you that I have loved you all very much, that I will remain in heaven the link of the whole family through my priesthood.
I am going to see Papa and Mama again, and that will not be the least of my joys.
Give my love to Yvie, Pierre, Yves, Agnès and Bernard.
I bless all your children. May there be priests among them.
Your Dani.